Our Sustainability Policy

The refinery built in with the latest technology and all necessary precautions to protect the environment.


We invested in Senegal because we believe in the bright future of Senegal. We are giving back to the community as our investment make returns.

Waste Treatment

We constantly grow our team and our influence both in the African region. We aim to become one of the world leaders in gold refinery.

We are aiming zero waste in our plant. We are committed to our planet.

The refinery built in with the latest technology and all necessary precautions to protect the environment. 

With this high-tech it will give maximum efficiency with minimum waste production and harm to environment. It’s significant that the quantity of waste effluents are very low and composition of waste gases have very low release of harmful substances.

We invested in Senegal because we believe in the future of Africa.

BLG is located in Plateforme lndustrielle lntegree De Diamniadio where is an especially important location with the investments taken by all over the world and this project will also add a great value to the zone.

We provide
the best service in Africa.

BLG is the first fully equipped and high- tech refinery in Senegal. Our refinery plant has all the world-class equipment and expertised team to provide quality service for every customer.