In our 1400m2 facility there are five different departments for each production stage.
Chemical and electrolytic refining of gold alloys to obtain purities over 99.99%
Chemical and electrolytic refining of gold alloys to obtain purities over 99.99%
Melting of refined metals in the form of ingots of different weights up to 30 kg and in the grain, using induction furnaces.
Melting of refined metals in the form of ingots of different weights up to 30 kg and in the grain, using induction furnaces.
Bar Production
Production of minted bars, coins, medals by mechanical processes (rolling, cutting, minting)
Production of minted bars, coins, medals by mechanical processes (rolling, cutting, minting)
Storage & Waste Treatment
Treatment of spent liquid solutions through neutralization and precipitation of the base metal hydroxides
Analysis Laboratory
BLG Lab contains last technology machines and the systems and has capacity to get different types of analysis to get most accurate results for its customers.
BLG Lab contains last technology machines and the systems and has capacity to get different types of analysis to get most accurate results for its customers.
We invested in Senegal because we believe in the future of Africa.
BLG is located in Plateforme lndustrielle lntegree De Diamniadio where is an especially important location with the investments taken by all over the world and this project will also add a great value to the zone.
We provide
the best service in Africa.
BLG is the first fully equipped and high- tech refinery in Senegal. Our refinery plant has all the world-class equipment and expertised team to provide quality service for every customer.